Ayurvedic treatment for Joint Problems

Ayurvedic treatment for Joint Pain in Mumbai

Ayurveda identifies major types of joint pain, Knee Pain, cracking joints, and problems. The first type is associated with poorly-nourished joints or low bone density and overall weakness in the joints. This kind of problem starts with some discomfort, a cracking sound, and if not taken care of, results in eventual immobilization of the joints. Because the bone is not getting the nourishment it needs, it starts to degenerate. The second kind is associated with a toxic overload in the joints, and is the result of too many toxins in the body. As ama (the sticky, toxic waste product of incomplete digestion) accumulates in the joint, it first creates stiffness and heaviness. If it stays there for a long time, the joint pain can become swollen and painful. Damp, cold weather can aggravate this type of joint problem.

Samskrt is about bringing highly evolved science of lifestyle to every home in the world and we provide the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Joint Pain in Mumbai.

Ayurvedic treatment for Joint Problems (flowchart)

As we know, Universe is made up of energy. These energies are of two types - gross energy and subtle energy. Gross energy is the physics which we learn in schools and subtle energy is the quantum physics. Gross energy is the energy which can be seen and is measureable i.e the five senses of touch, taste, see, hear, smell. Subtle energy is the energy which we cannot see but can see its effects like breathing, digestion, evacuation. This energy which forms our aura grows when our frequency is higher and when our hormones are balanced. This completes the circuit and our gross body is healthy.

Ayurvedic treatment for Joint Problems (flowchart 2)

When the energy channels are blocked then the circuits remain incomplete and we see problems in our gross body and when the channels are open all your gross senses are enhanced.

This subtle energy gets affected due to four factors – environment, lifestyle, diet (time & quality), exercise (quality & quantity)

Environment we cannot change but the Lifestyle, Diet and Exercise can be corrected.

Lifestyle - Dysfunctional lifestyle disturbs the biological clock in our body leading to stress and stress hormones are released in our body. This blocks the subtle energy channels.

Diet - Irregular timing of eating and diet which does not give you energy, lowers the frequency of our body and body is not able to fight germs and viruses.

Yoga & mind management - Can alter your gene expression so that the external factors which we cannot change can be reacted to by our body in a different way.

So what Samskrt does is it gives you the best Ayurvedic Treatment of Knee Pain in India, so that you can live a unique lifestyle, nutritional plan, yoga and yognidra to balance the energy flow in your body so as to balance your body, mind and soul.

So you see when your subtle energy is balanced the gross energy in your body functions at its peak and optimum level. Come for Ayurvedic Treatment for Joint Pain in Mumbai at Samskrt and get the best Ayurvedic Treatment of Knee Pain in India and Ayurvedic treatment for cracking joints in Mumbai India .

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