Ayurvedic treatment for Panchakarma and Massage

Best Panchakarma Treatment in India and Ayurvedic Massage

Why is Panchakarma Treatment Advised?

Ayurveda belives that the food which you eat is transformed into your body cells. It’s not just nourishing the body but getting converted into body. This conversion starts in our Digestive System i.e. from mouth to anal canal. Thus, Ayurveda gives prime importance to the conditions in the digestive tract. Best Panchakarma Treatment in India is a truly unique approach for revitalization, rejuvenation and prevention. Authentic ayurvedic detox is not done piecemeal. Samskrt provides Treatment following all the Panchakarma Treatment Steps to give you the best relaxation you need Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Mumbai.

Process of digestion or metabolisation of food depends on three factors which are quality of food, lifestyle, mental health. When these three are imbalanced, body starts accumulating metabolic wastes or ill-formed end products. Here lies the root cause of every disease. Since diseases start in digestive tract, they can be removed out through this same place. That is why the main 5 karmas or procedures are designed for.

Panchakarma Treatment in India is a truly unique approach for revitalization, rejuvenation and prevention. Authentic ayurvedic detox is not done piecemeal. The Treatments are intended to be done in careful sequence, not in isolation. Each stage and step, physiologically, supports the next.

  1. In a person whose digestive system has been cleansed and purified, the metabolism is stimulated.
  2. Disease is reduced and normal health is maintained.
  3. Sense organs, mind, intellect and complexion are improved.
  4. Strength, good nourishment, healthy progeny and potency are the result.
  5. Symptoms of aging do not appear so easily and the person lives long and free from disorders. For this reason, elimination therapy should be carried out correctly and at the right time.

Panchakarma Treatment Steps

1. Vamana

2. Virechana

3. Basti

4. Raktamokshana

5. Nasya

Each of this Procedure is carried out in 3 steps:

Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment

Step 1 - Purvakarma

This Includes ‘Snehana’(Oleation) and ‘Swedana’(Fomentation). These are the essential preparatory procedures which are mandatory before starting any Panchakarma Therapy. They are also used as individual treatments in certain conditions.

  • Snehana

Sneha literally means “Love” and also Ghee/Oil/Butter these fatty substances are called ‘Sneha’. As mind needs Sneha/Love, body also regularly needs “Snehana”. Thus this means applying oil/ghee on body or taking these orally. In Ayurveda, this term has two meanings i.e. “Internal Oleation/Abhyantara Snehana” and “External Oleation/Bahya Snehana”.

Benifits of Bahya Snehana(Abhyanga/Body Massage)

This can be in various other forms apart from just massage.

  1. Abhyangam can de-stress a person and can cure insomnia.
  2. It makes your bones strong by increasing the Vitamin D, so it prevents arthritis, osteoporosis and knee joint related problems.
  3. It boosts the immune system among adults.
  4. It has the capacity to slow down the ageing process and can reduce the onset of wrinkles.
  5. In children, it improves the growth process and strengthens bones & muscles.
  6. Abhyangam with our oils act as UV protectors and prevents skin cancer. Has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It strengthens and nourishes internal organs.
  7. A person doing regular abhyangam has lesser chances of ligament tear, sprains, aches and pains.
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  1. Abhyangam can de-stress a person and can cure insomnia.
  2. It makes your bones strong by increasing the Vitamin D, so it prevents arthritis, osteoporosis and knee joint related problems.
  3. It boosts the immune system among adults.
  4. It has the capacity to slow down the ageing process and can reduce the onset of wrinkles.
  5. In children, it improves the growth process and strengthens bones & muscles.
  6. Abhyangam with our oils act as UV protectors and prevents skin cancer. Has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It strengthens and nourishes internal organs.
  7. A person doing regular abhyangam has lesser chances of ligament tear, sprains, aches and pains.

How does Abhyanga Work?

Oil can penetrate skin easily. During massage, it seeps into skin, enters blood circulation and nourishes skin and internal organs. It pacifies ‘Vata dosha’ in our body. Thus it has calming or soothing effect on mind that means it de-stresses you. Oil enters the systemic circulation, this is proved by the recent development in research.

“Researchers have found a network of fluid-filled spaces in tissue that hadn't been seen before. These fluid-filled spaces were discovered in connective tissues all over the body, including below the skin's surface; lining the digestive tract, lungs and urinary systems; and surrounding muscles”

This theory proves the truth behind the benefits of abhyanga. Oil applied on the skin through massage penatrates into the skin and reaches upto muscles, bone, joints, eyes, brain etc.

  • Abhyantara Snehana

Drinking ghee, oil orally in large quantity depending upon your digestion without mixing in the food is Known as Internal Oleation. This is usually done before doing panchakarma procedures like vamana and virechana.

Benifits and Mode of Action of Abhyantara Snehana

The lipids in the oil/ghee used for oleation lubricate the cells and dissolve the toxins in the cell. By increasing quantity of ghee/oil the cells are saturated by these lipids and the toxins are brought to the digestive tract and then are removed from the nearest outlet (mouth/anal canal).

  • Swedana

The oil treatment is often followed by a steaming process. This dilates the vessels and thereby assists the detoxification of the system. The term Svedana includes many different forms of heat treatment. The heat can be dry or damp, applied locally or to the whole body.

Benefits of Swedana

  1. Svedana dilates the vessels and helps in removing toxins from the tissues and brings it to the gut.
  2. It corrects imbalances of vata dosha
  3. It also increases digestion as well as metabolism
  4. Nourishes and softens skin
  5. Improves activity of sense organs and reduces sleeps and drowsiness
  6. Relieves the stiffness in the joints and thus improves range of joint movement
  7. It provides relief from pain

Step 2 – Pradhana karma

  • Vamana

Vaman is the process of induced vomiting, which helps to get rid of waste products (vitiated doshas) accumulated in stomach through mouth.

Benefits of Vaman

  1. Vamana expels vitiated Kapha out of the body
  2. It enhances digestion and metabolism
  3. Beneficial in managing Asthma, Cough, skin diseases
  • Virechana

Virechana is the process of induced purgation, which helps to get rid of waste products (vitiated doshas) accumulated in intestine through anus.

Benefits of Virechana

  1. Virechana expels vitiated Pitta out of the body
  2. It enhances digestion and metabolism
  3. Beneficial in managing skin diseases, jaundice, anaemia, intestinal issues etc.
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  • Basti

Basti is the introduction of herbal decoctions and medicated oils into the colon through the rectum.

Benefits of Basti

  1. Basti expels vitiated Vata out of the body
  2. Basti works in the region of the colon, but its impact is so far reaching and deep that simply calling this process an enema does not do it justice.
  3. Basti provides herbal cleansing and nourishment directly into the intestines and colon, without having to be digested by the stomach and upper GI tract, as would be the case with anything taken by mouth.
  4. Basti helps bowel regularity, joint support
  5. Basti helps create energy and vitality as well as clarity in the mind.
  • Nasya

Nasya treatment refers to an Ayurvedic therapy that includes instillation of herbal oils, juices or powders through the nasal route. Nasya is especially desirable for diseases of parts above the base of the neck; nasal passage being the gateway of the head.

Benefits of Nasya

  1. It cures disorders of ear, nose and throat.
  2. Nasya cleanses, purifies and strengthens the nasal passages, allowing you to breathe fully and easily again.
  3. Nasya is benifical for congestion, allergies, sinusitis, headaches, migraine, cervical spondylosis, hair fall, premature greying of hair, rhinitis and other nasal infections.
  • Raktamokshana

Raktamokshana is the process of blood letting. Blood is drawn from the body through various methods. For e.g., with help of scalp vein or using Leeches etc. This procedure is used as a treatment of diseases originated from toxins in blood.

Benefits of Raktamokshana

  1. It cures and prevents recurrence of severe skin problems like Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitilligo etc.
  2. It relieves pain immediately.
  3. It reduces edema.